Saggio: FitzGibbon Studio IV
Antonino Saggio
FitzGibbon Visiting Professor Chair
Department of Architecture
ext.: 81963 mm204a
Project Development: Structural Iteration
We are starting now a process of slow landing. This means
that you are making decisions that will make your project plausible i.e.
builtable, functionable, aesthetically and technologically sound.
Naturally every point rotates around "the key" inside
feature of the building as you have determined it.
Now we are in the cycle of Structural Iteration.
You have to produce 3 alternatives Structural Hypothesis for your building. You will evaluate pro and cons of several aspects: occupancy, functional aspects, consistency with the key inside feature.
You must first have 2 BASES (plan and section) "in Scale hard line plan and section drawing" with the basic dimensions. You may also have in this base a basic grid.
Overlap to the base another sheet and free hand, sketch in plan and in section your proposed structure.
Draw your structure in BLACK and FORCE IT (make it at least two times bigger that you imagine) and live in yellow the "non structural" elements.
For each of the 3 alternatives Produce:
A free hand expressive diagrammatic plan
A free hand expressive diagrammatic section
A hard drawing diagram with basic dimensions, grid if
any, major beams and floor trusses with two arrows when 2 supports
with one arrow for cantilever and one support.
A Short evaluation of pro and cons of each alternatives
Due as pin up: Monday 1:30