Saggio: FitzGibbon Studio IV
Antonino Saggio
FitzGibbon Visiting Professor Chair
Department of Architecture
ext.: 81963 mm204a
Project Development: Distribution Iteration
After "absolute bang" and "structure" we are now in a cycle of Distribution and Occupancy that means that you are accountable also for the basic match between occupancy and Building code as it has been presented in the Friday lecture
You have to produce 3 alternatives of Basic Distribution for your building. You will evaluate pro and cons of several aspects: occupancy, functional aspects, consistency with the proposed distribution.
You must first have 2 BASES (plan and section) "in Scale hard line plan and section drawing" with the basic dimensions. Now In the Bases there are also your Absolute bang+Structure. You may also have also in this base a basic dimension grid at a module of circa 3 feet.
Overlap to the base another sheet and free hand, sketch in plan and in section your proposed distribution.
Draw your structure in CROSSED Black service area (circulation service fire escapes ect.) and FORCE IT and draw in yellow the service livable area.
For each of the 3 alternatives Produce:
A free hand expressive diagrammatic plan
A free hand expressive diagrammatic section
A hard drawing diagram with basic dimensions, grid if
any, service and served area precisely identifiable.
A Short evaluation of pro and cons of each alternatives
"coming" from a report and meeting with your client
Due as pin up: Monday 1:30