Peter Eisenman
Trivellazioni nel Futuro
Drilling in the Future
by Antonino Saggio
Polis University
Master lecture and Workshop 2014
The Chess Board of Peter Eisenman
The class is composed by a different group of students. Some are master students in parametric design, some are in structure and estetic, some are diploma students, and some are PhD students.
To the class was prrsented a possible "logic and rationale" through each, every individual will adehere to a Key word or the other... (for example for parametric was porbably more appropriate topological..) but Each individual was free to pcik whateever category he/she thinks is better.
then we create 6 tables in which each key word is the guiding. Students worked in group maximum of 3 persons!
To each group was given a key building for each category.
and they worked with a key momenet of revision and check to see if they are going in the right direction
The final presentation jury was based on three things
1. The "interpretation" of the Buiding
2. The implementation of that building in the "eisenman Chess Board"
3. The movements other comaptible builinding with the same set of rules.
Prize to final chess Board
Poliis 2014 workshop
with Ledian Bregasi
Faculty member at Polis
and Antonino Di Raimo
Dean of Architecture Program at Polis
Erida Curraj
Valon Dorambari
Arta Januzi-Cana
Lisjan Tushaj
Aferdita Zymberi
Milena Maqina
Mentor Taipi
Uran Ramadani
Aleksandr Kutikov
Eleni Lici
Ermal Bucinca
Habib Ymeri
Dardan Metushi
Qendrim Ahmetaj
Evina Hasimi
Joana Dhiamanti
Egla Harxhi
Erialda Zekthi
Egla Luca
Sonia Jojic
Saimir Kristo
Dea Buza
Anduena Dragovi
In the blog the pedagogy of what we are doing and link to videos
Ecco alcuni approfondimenti su scacchiere del 2012
Ecco un caso in azione (con Video) >>
Discussione scacchiere e premio 2013
Discussione Scacchiere e premio finale 2014 Film
Scacchiere in progress 2014 Film film
Arianna Negron
Polis 2014
See le Scacchiere di Peter Eisenman You Tube