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Maia Engeli, Digital Stories The Poetics of Communication,Birkhäuser,
Basilea 1999 e Storie Digitali Poetiche della comunicazione,Testo&Immagine,
Torino 1998
Prteface / Introduzione "Fear of the demo/ Temi il demo?"
di AS
Design in the field of architecture is essentially an act of innovation, a continual striving to integrate practical, metaphorical and symbolic features into the designs using the technical means of today, and this is precisely where the computer can provide a fascinating new potential to create narrative space.
Author, Maia Engeli, Assistant Professor for CAAD and architecture at the ETH, Zürich, has been active in this field for many years. Coming from the first generation of computer users, she has worked at Harvard University and the Media Lab at MIT and is at the forefront of research in this area.
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