
This work explores the connection between architecture and dance under the possibilities that we use with Information Technology. The main purpose is to design an architectural building. The way to achive this goal, is to hybrid architecture and dance through exchanging- information at the most shared layer of the two subjects: the space.

In this sectio you can find the index of the whole work

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concept: where you can find the main topic of this work. Premises are explained here with short historical notes about my topic. Flux Laboratory which is my architectural subject, is introduced here.
process: where can you find the explanation of the process I have used to hybride architecture and dance. Fundamental steps of the process that involve symbolization, metaphor and Information -Technology are discussed here.
development: where you find the specific steps in order to start from the dance to arrive to architecture. You find images that show the idea of a dancer as a kind of "parametric-machine".
application case: here you can find the specific site we used to simulate a real architectural project.
results: architectural results of the whole work.
credits:special thanks to very important persons.
some pages in the next sections may be require several minuts to be downloaded. This happens when I need to show some strips. They take not more of one minute if you have a high speed connection.