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Maria Luisa Palumbo, New Wombs, Electronic Bodies and Architectural Disorders,Birkhäuser, Basilea 2000 e Nuovi Ventri, Corpi elettronici e disordini architettonici,Testo&Immagine, Torino 2000
A sense of harmony and proportion has traditionally been achieved in
architectural compositions by using the dimensions of the human body as
the starting point. Modern technology now enables us to go beyond these
physical dimensions into a virtual world, and this poses a challenge to
architecture as we usually perceive it. Interactive, flexible and intelligent
models are being called for.
Whilst technology is taking us into the realms of virtual reality,
architecture on the other hand, is becoming more corporeal. "Postorganic"
is the term being used to express this merging of the body and architecture
brought about by electronic media. A radical change in perspective is blurring
the distinction between the organic and mechanic, and the artificial logic
of the computer and the natural logic of man are fusing together.
Maria Luisa Palumbo is an italian researcher and critic in the area of communication, arts and new technologies.
Roberto Sommatino, Caad 2002 Go
" metodo emergente conduce direttamente alle reti neurali (ed è questa la strada indicata dalla Palumbo), che imitano proprio il modello fisico del cervello umano; porta agli algoritmi genetici, che riproducono uno spazio-tempo darwiniano, dove la base fisica, corporea, dell’essere vivente è indispensabile per la sua simulazione; conduce, infine, alla vita artificiale, categoria più ampia e integrale dell’ intelligenza tout-court. ..."