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From Modern to Contemporary age

New space is a rational device calibrated on human needs. Bodies in this space should follow perfect and absolute trajectories. We see an objective space idea, than the Bau Haus. Dance Performance here, exalt the idea of the geometric shape investigated from the new theories. With the totalitarian regimes, dance seems be focused on a aesthetic of efficiency. Dance here is something like what happens in Olympia, the famous film by Leny Rifenstahl, in which sport is like a dance to celebrate “human machine” perfection. In Usa, modern dance by Martha Graham, is setting up a new dance technique with the points shoes rejection, but she looks at the archaic Greek myths. The European Avant Garde (Futurism, Dada, and so on) is working on the idea of movement in a physical meaning.

With Guardiola House P. Eisenman suggests again the value of movement in the architectural language context. This house reflects what is happening in the Chaos Science and not-linear problems. Key words are: to record, to analyze, to process a signal. For M. Cunnigham dance have to be pure and anti-representative. It’s a ripple.

Motion implies time. But it’s very hard to tell what kind of time is. We say that time first implies memory, like happens with unforgettable Jewish Museum by Libeskind in Berlin.

Recent architectural creations, seem suggest an architectural-wrapper idea, that may be seen as the results of a collection of motion- body probabilistic trajectories.

premises and explanation (part2)