Flux Laboratory spaces-concept:*

White room:Health & Business meets Dance / Live workout: with musicians / Personal Power Sessions/ Group dynamics: Mediation & Negotiation workshops / Conferences and workshops with international experts

Dark room:Exhibitions / Meeting and lecture room /Art experience / Trends Lab / Fashion shows / Dance experience: Total art / Media and electronic arts / Music festival/Thematic film night and premiers / Ongoing Architecture forum

Think tank:Invited professors and guest lecturers / Invited educational and /
Research presentation / Smart office set up / VIP room for private meetings and presentations

Living in culture:apartments/ New designs in living daily, weekly or monthly rentals available

Community bridge:An open space creates a virtual bridge between to dynamic sources of movement and activity. It combines the leisure and social events with a time and space to think about building future visions

Kitchen:Media Information Centre where web and media work is created around the activities of the Laborator/Good food and concept cuisine

Observation Garden: land art garden


The architectural goal of this work, is the project of a new Flux-Laboratory building. Flux-Lab is a mix-activties program which is conceptually and metaphorically based on dance. The physical building of the original prototype is located in Geneva (CH). The new building which I have designed through this work is imaged on Spetses Island. The main conviction is that under the digital paradigma, we are able to combine through a virtuos way, subjects that normally we keep very distant. In this case, the subjects are architecture and dance. My project attempts to bring them together. I make it with an ex-dancer past experience, and a current activity as architect. Anyway this attempt is focused to get to an architectural building.

What is Flux-Laboratory*:

FLUX Laboratory is an experimental meeting, performance and exhibition space operated as a members network, which shares the objectives and goals of the Fluxum Foundation, both in activity and spirit. FLUX Laboratory is a multi-faceted experimental space, which nurtures creative work and thinking through quality encounters with the arts, dance, science and health, technology, media, style and business. Mission statements - Helping the arts to help business grow in the future. Multidisciplinary vision is encouraged at the FLux Lab.

What does mean the word Flux?
Flux (flaks), n. (L. fluxus, fr. Fluere, fluxum, to flow) flowing; unstable; inconstant; variable. The lines of force surrounding a permanent magnet or a moving charged particle.
The rate of flow of energy.
The state of being liquid through heat; fusion.
The act of flowing; a continuous moving on or passing by, as of a flowing stream
Constant succession; change.
To affect, or bring to a certain state, by flux.
Grande abondance de choses ou de personnes qui se suivent sans interruption.
In constant change: "his opinions are in flux".
*credits: FluxLaboratory: www.fluxlaboratory.com
premises and explanation (part3)